Author: pressreporter

England 09/07/2013 – Since 1994, the MSIF has been investing in businesses based in the Merseyside area. Today, the positive impact they have had is easy to see. When it comes to North West funding they are definitely the go to organisation. The fact they have been offering funding in the area since 1994 is part of the reason they are so well known. Over the years, the Merseyside Investment Fund has helped thousands of local SMEs to grow their business. Today, they are providing funding for 1,450 firms. Every kind of firm from sole traders to companies that employ…

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England 23/07/2013 – In an effort to simplify things and reduce costs many UK firms are reviewing every aspect of their business, this includes which telephone system they use. Most firms woke up long ago to the fact that VOIP or IP was the way to go. However, not all of them followed that route. Up until a few years ago there were problems with reliability and call quality. Today, those problems are solved and as a result firms who want to update their phone systems are increasingly opting for that kind of solution. They are increasingly approaching specialist telephony…

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