Author: pressreporter

England, 22/07/13 – A mobility website offers advice on choosing a wheelchair ramp. Many people have either a wheelchair or a scooter in order to get around independently. Part of the requirements associated with possessing either is the need for a wheelchair ramp. Regular wheelchair or scooter users will most likely need to have a wheelchair ramp fixed to their home. Fixed wheelchair ramps are usually made of concrete. In days gone by these ramps tended to be plain, grey slopes which stood out at the front of the house. However, recent developments have meant that there is now a…

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Liverpool, UK (July 2013) – The Federation of Small Businesses has expressed its outrage that some businesses are now paying more in rates than in rent. Rates and rent are two of the major costs faced by all businesses, and in many cases the two stand opposed to one another; owned property that stands empty can still be subject to business rates, while rented office space does not represent so much of a capital investment. With many small businesses looking to flexi office space as a way of gaining the workspace they need at an affordable cost, rates have now…

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London, UK (July 2013) – With one in six Britons losing money on unused gift cards, how do you give a gift people will treasure? Choosing the perfect gift for a loved one can be challenging – you might want to give something impressive, without it taking up too much space, or something that is clearly valuable, but doesn’t break the bank either. But while many people settle on gift cards as a way to let the recipient choose something they really want, much of the money spent on these ultimately goes to waste. Figures from Gocompare.com1 show that one…

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Birmingham, UK (July 2013) – The UK is proving popular with international tourists in 2013, as visits to the country from overseas rise by 2%. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show international visits to the UK are up by 2% year-on-year. Published in mid-July, the figures relate to the year up to and including May, and show a 2% climb in visits to the UK by overseas residents when compared with the same period of 2012. A large portion of this increase is due to countries that only joined the European Union in 2004 or later,…

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Chesterfield, United Kingdom (15th July, 2013) – Timberline, leading providers of outdoor play equipment for schools across the UK, has donated a chicken coop to Hi5 Day Care to house their new pet chickens. Leeds-based Hi5 Day Care has recently hatched 3 chickens: Sam, NinkyNonk and Chuckles. The chickens were in their incubator for 21 days and the children took their responsibilities seriously by turning the eggs three times a day.  Many nurseries and schools have started to rear chickens, as they can play a key part in working with children on their own personal emotional and social development.  The…

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