Author: pressreporter

England 06/06/2013 – A recent survey has shown that one of the things that frustrates people the most are the automatic call forwarding systems most companies now use. The companies who use these systems say they do so to make their customers services more efficient. In some cases they succeed in doing this, because their systems direct people to the correct department. The problem is that some firms have let their phone systems get out of control, and customers spend too long listening to options, or waiting in a queue. A lot of the frustration can be eliminated by finding…

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England 05/06/2013 – When personal injury claim rules were changed in April, many predicted a drastic drop in the number of new claims being made. However, many personal injury lawyers are reporting that they are still busy. Naturally, there has been some impact, with some potential clients assuming that they would now have to pay all legal fees should they end up losing their case. However, not everyone automatically believes this. Many people whohave suffered an injury are still contacting a personal injury lawyer anyway, and discussing their options. Many are pleasantly surprised to find that these lawyers are offering…

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London, United Kingdom (12th June, 2013) – citysocializer, the online to offline social discovery network to meet new people and explore your city, has celebrated over one million new real world connections this week, as RSVPs to events organised on their platform reached over three quarters of a million. To mark this milestone, citysocializer has launched their iPhone app, opening up the service for international users to sign-up and “un-lock” citysocializer communities in their cities. This coincides with the release of the company’s new white label platform designed to offer brands and media companies the opportunity to extend and monetise…

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