Author: pressreporter

Cheshire, United Kingdom (19th April 2013) –  SEO Consult has reacted to a recent video presented by Google’s Head of Web Spam regarding the implications of uploading hundreds of pages of content all at once. Responding to a web master’s question asking whether they should “add an archive of hundreds of thousands of pages all at once or in stages,” Matt Cuttsoutlined what he believes would be the best course of action. Cutts suggested that Google “should be able to handle and process it either way,” but did warn that if Google “sees a lot of pages or lots of…

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England – 16/5/13 – CSL DualCom continue to offer reliable and innovative alarm solutions Those looking for a high-quality burglar alarm system can browse the catalogue of the highly-revered firm CSL DualCom. CSL DualCom are known as pioneers when it comes to wireless security technology. The benefits of robust alarm systems are numerous for organisations and private customers too. The dual alarm technology on offer from the company is of particular use because it helps police forces to ensure that alarms are genuine. For police to act, two separate alarm signals must be received within a certain time frame. Whilst…

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London, United Kingdom (16th May, 2013) – Smith and George Limited, a leading online provider of women’s fashion clothing in the UK, announce the launch of their new YouTube advertisement.

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